Whipping Up Something New: What’s a Whipped Cream Dispenser For?

Strawberries and whipped cream

If you want to get fancy in the kitchen you’ve got plenty of options. You start with the serving dishes, the silverware, your napkins and glasses, but when it comes to the food toppings are what make the presentation – and presentation is half the taste of a dish. Desserts, especially, benefit from a tantalizing presentation. That presentation is often the result of toppings and other sides, like mousse, chocolate shavings, nuts, and glaze. Of course, the crème de la crème of dessert toppings whipped cream.

And not just any whipped cream, either, but fresh whipped cream dispensed from pressurized containers using NO2 cartridges. Pressurized whipped cream dispensers can keep whip cream fresh and delicious far longer than a plastic tub full of Cool Whip. Using a whip cream dispenser, you can style the whip cream however you please, on top or on the side.

A chilly convenience

In a stainless steel whipped cream dispenser with NO2 cartridges whipped cream is kept cold in your refrigerator and good to go at any time. All you have to do is grab it out of the door of your refrigerator, have at it, and toss it back in. In a commercial kitchen with its hustle and bustle that is particularly convenient, as you avoid the need to prepare the whipped cream each time a customer orders a slice of apple pie with cream.

Whipped cream dispensers are, no matter the occasion, far more convenient and delicious than any of the alternatives. Whipped cream cartridges, containing the ingredients for whipped cream and keeping them fresh for longer, are affordable and convenient. Sure, you could keep your whipped cream in a tub, but it will go rotten or watery or warm far quicker than a dispenser will.

Dispense with the waste

So whether you’re topping off a dessert or flinging it in a whipped cream fight a la Michael Jackson and Naomi Campbell, whipped cream dispensers a more convenient, fresher, and far more delicious. For the professional cook or the household chef looking for a way to spice up dessert, whipped cream dispensers offer a touch of class and fun where once there were only plastic tubs and dirty spoons. They bring you closer to the world of flambé and soufflé for a small investment. Who’s never dreamed of being a world class chef?